Welcome to the new home of the Interagency Hotshot Crews History. Please update your links to this authoritative source.
There are two versions available.
The 2022 version of the History transitioned to this web-based format in an effort to host a single authoritative source and modernize it. The following steps were used, which resulted in formatting differences from previous versions.
file, which was compiled and updated by David Provencio, Jr., was converted to .docx
file was converted to Markdown (.md
)1 using Pandoc for the web version..md
file was converted to .pdf
using Pandoc (via MiKTeX) for the downloadable version.Feedback is encouraged and welcomed. Please contact David Provencio, Jr. or Matt Steen with additions, corrections, or suggestions for the next version.
https://www.markdownguide.org/ ↩